
fredag 13 juni 2014

Orkney maj-juni 2014

Chris and Mara - Thanks for lovely days at Orkney islands!

I have been at Orkney, but just a short visit on a Interrail trip togehter with my friend Maria Storgärds 1981!! When I get invited to attend Chris and Maras wedding at Papa Westray so was the choice not difficult. I stayed for a week and have lovely days together with friends from Doñana 2010, new friends and of course a lot of birds. Here  - a photostory of trip

Kirkwall, Orkney mainland..
The first day I was alone and rent a bike for a trip Southwest from Kirkwall. It was amazing to have Skuas and Fulmars around my head like mosquitos.
Långa, blåsiga sugande raksträckor i motvind!
Great Skua
In the night team Manecorro arrived from Spain. Lovely friends to meet after 4 years!
Jag, Fernando, Marta, Juan= Manecorro Team from Doñana autumn 2010
 We took the ferry to Papa Westray to take part in Chris And Maras Wedding...and what a wedding! The party began on Friday and ended on Monday! The cermoni was on the old Pier at Papay. Nice musik, skuas who quarrel in the background and sunshine!
Beautiful couple , music and sourrundings!
Papa Westrays birds:
Red shank
Breeding Twite
Not so nice to find this memorial
The sunspieces of Guillemot, "Ringvia" was very common on the islands
On Westray , satisfied and a bit weary, the day after the weddingparty.
Roosting place for puffins at Westray
Hope to return soon!/ Gittan

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